Conference Partners

ENTSO-E is the European Network of Transmission System Operators. Founded in 2009 ENTSO-E, represents 42 TSOs from 35 countries across Europe. ENTSO-E was given legal mandates by the Third Legislative Package for the Internal Energy Market and is based in Brussels.

The Florence School of Regulation (FSR), partner of the ENTSO-E CEE Regional Conference, was founded in 2004 and has established as a center of excellence for independent discussion and dissemination of knowledge regarding European regulation and policy. The FSR aims at improving the quality of regulatory policy and ensuring high-level and independent debate on economically and socially sound regulation.

Energetika.NET In the past 14 years, Energetika.NET has established itself as a leading media and publishing house in Slovenia and in the South East European region and as an outstanding events organizer in the field of energy and ecology. They report daily on current events and developments in the field of energy and ecology as well as on some political and business related subjects, and they also carry out sustainable publishing projects. Since 2012, Energetika.NET has been the regional representative of Montel Online, a platform for energy traders, and has ownership ties to the Norwegian company Montel.

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