Panel 2: Regional cooperation up and running

11.30 - 12.30


Joachim Vanzetta Miroslav Stejskal Siem Bruijns Thomas Karall Annegret Groebel Gheorghe Visan

Moderator: Sonya Twohig

Introduced by e-voting

TSOs’ roadmap for regional cooperation – Joachim Vanzetta, Chair, System Operations Committee, ENTSO-E

What does the roadmap mean? – Miroslav Stejskal, General Director, SEPS

Regionalization: what models for regional cooperation for Europe? – Paul Rübig MEP, ITRE Committee, European Parliament (tbc)

What benefit from Regional Security Coordinators? – Siem Bruijns, Managing Director, TSCNET

Austria within the regional context: an APG perspective - Thomas Karall, CFO, APG & ENTSO-E Board Member

Regulatory cooperation in regions – Annegret Groebel, Vice-President, CEER, BNetzA

Connecting the regions - Gheorghe Visan, Commercial Director, Transelectrica

Followed by Q&A moderated by Sonya Twohig, System Operations Manager, ENTSO-E

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